Preventive Dentistry – Mississauga, ON

Keeping Teeth and Gums
Healthy for Life

Preventive dentistry is a pivotal component of any dental practice. Family Dental Care places a strong emphasis on these services so we can help our patients be more proactive in caring for their dental health. With gentle dental checkups, teeth cleanings, digital X-rays, and positive at-home oral hygiene tips, we work to minimize the potential for cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. If you are ready to take the next step in your oral healthcare journey, contact us to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Family Dental Care for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Extended Evening Hours and Saturday Appointments Available
  • Personalized Care to Meet Your Individual Needs
  • Advanced Technology to Ensure a More Comfortable Experience

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman smiling during dental checkup

Dental exams and teeth cleanings are an important part of ensuring optimal oral health. Our dentists will determine if any cavities, tooth decay, gingivitis, or periodontal disease are present. We will then clean your teeth and remove hardened plaque and tartar before giving them a thorough rinse and polishing. These six-month visits serve to enhance your smile as well as allow you to ask questions and learn how you can improve your oral health.

Fluoride Treatment

Dental patient having fluoride applied to their teeth

Fluoride is a natural mineral known for its oral health benefits. Not only does it help to strengthen tooth enamel, but it also creates a protective barrier against tooth decay. During your dental checkup and cleaning, we can apply fluoride to the surfaces of your teeth in a matter of minutes. This painless and effortless process will help to minimize the potential for cavities between appointments, keeping you and your loved one’s smiles better protected.

Custom Nightguards for Teeth Grinding

Hand holding a yellow nightguard

If you or your child suffer from bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, our team can create a customized nightguard. These oral appliances are easy to wear while sleeping. Designed to fit comfortably inside the mouth, it serves as a cushion to keep teeth from touching and alleviate pressure placed on the jaw joints and facial muscles. As a result, tooth enamel will not wear down as quickly and chronic jaw pain can be avoided.

Oral Cancer Screening

Woman having her mouth examined by dentist

As part of your regular dental checkup and cleaning appointment, we will perform an oral cancer screening. Early detection is essential with this disease, as timely treatment can lead to a higher survival rate. This is why we use the VELscope® oral cancer screening system. This unique light source identifies abnormal tissues that appear darker inside the mouth. Should there be a cause for concern, we will recommend a gentle biopsy to determine if cancer is present.